Art, Culture & Architecture News

Painting and Poetry: Guido Reni and Contemporaries at Bologna’s Pinacoteca

Explore Guido Reni’s iconic 'Atalanta and Hippomenes' and rare Bolognese art gems at the National Pinacoteca of Bologna, on view through February 16

India That Is Bharat - Constitutional State Vs Civilizational State

Explore India’s civilizational glory, spiritual inclusivity, and cultural revival under Narendra Modi’s governance amidst debates on its constitutional and civilizational identity

Is Narayan Guru Part of Sanatan Dharma? Insights from Kerala’s Sivagiri Pilgrimage

Explore Narayan Guru's teachings on equality, his role in social reform, and the debate around Sanatan Dharma, caste, and tradition in Kerala’s context

Deepawali: The Festival of Lights

Oct 28, 2024, 10:38 AM