Tag : caretaker

    Why Modi Told Cheetah Caretakers To Refuse Him Entry

    Akbar Ali
    September18/ 2022

    New Delhi: After releasing cheetahs in special enclosures at the Kuno National Park (KNP) in Madhya Pradesh on Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told 'cheetah mitras' (friends) to protect the carnivores and ensure that human-animal conflict is avoided. During his interaction, the prime minister told them not to allow anyone inside the KNP, including himself, until the cheetahs are acclimatised to their new habitat. The PM recalled how he had roped in villagers to protect Asiatic lions in Gir when he was the chief minister of Gujarat. Eight cheetahs arrived in India from Namibia by a special flight on Saturday morning. Three of them were released by PM Modi in the KNP and the rest five by other leaders under the ambitious reintroduction project. The cheetahs had gone extinct in India seven decades ago. The 'cheetah mitras' are a group of about 400 youngsters who have been trained to create awareness among the people about the importance of the carnivore. "You must have been told that cheetahs need time to settle down first in their enclosures and later in the wild. It is your duty to ensure that no one is allowed to enter the park, be they political leaders, breaking news people (media), officials, relatives, and even me. "Even if I come, refuse entry to me and even to my relatives," PM Modi told them. A video of the interaction was made available by official sources. The PM asked them to tell people that entry into the KNP is allowed only after the cheetahs are settled in the wild. "Probably, it is happening for the first time in the world that 130 crore people are celebrating the arrival of cheetahs for whom they have to wait for 75 years," the prime minister said. During the interaction, PM Modi asked the cheetah mit ...

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