Tag : (UNSC)

    UNSC Agrees First Time On Statement On Ukraine, But It's Toothless

    Inam Ansari
    May7/ 2022

    United Nations: After an acrimonious informal meeting on Ukraine, the UN Security Council came together formally for the first time to issue a statement that Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said "spoke with one voice for peace in Ukraine". Without mentioning names, the simple statement that can be described as toothless said on Friday: "The Security Council expresses deep concern regarding the maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine. The Security Council recalls that all Member States have undertaken, under the Charter of the United Nations, the obligation to settle their international disputes by peaceful means." The Council which had been paralysed by Russia's veto power, managed for the first time since the Ukraine conflict took centre stage to agree on anything about it. But the statement has no real impact on the situation as it was only an expression of concern and an acknowledgement of obligations without telling anyone what to do. The statement also expressed support for the UN chief's efforts to "search for a peaceful solution". Guterres followed it up with his own statement: "Today, for the first time, the Security Council spoke with one voice for peace in Ukraine. As I have often said, the world must come together to silence the guns and uphold the values of the UN Charter." He added that he welcomed the Council's support and will spare no efforts to find peace. He recently went on a peace mission to Moscow and Kiev to meet Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine. The only tangible result to emerge from the journey was an agreement by Russia to allow a UN-sponsored evacuation of civilians from the Mariupol which is under siege by its troops. Hammered out behind closed doors under ...

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