UK PM Rishi Sunak announces wife Akshata’s shares after enquiry

UK PM Rishi Sunak announces wife Akshata’s shares after enquiry

London: On Wednesday, the UK Cabinet Office released Rishi Sunak's register of ministerial interests, which included information on Akshata Murty, his wife, owning shares in a childcare firm that stands to benefit from a policy in the most recent Budget.

Last week, the UK's Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards launched an investigation to ascertain whether or not the British Indian leader had been "open and frank" in his responsibility under the parliamentary "Code of Conduct," and this week, the results of the investigation were made public.

Now, a complete 'List of Ministers' Interests' has been made available online, and it includes a section labelled "Relevant interests of spouse partner or close family member," which includes Sunak's mention of his wife's interests.—Inputs from Agencies

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