Bhupender Yadav Participates in World Of Work Summit In Geneva

Calls For Global Skill Mapping For Facilitating Mobility Of Skilled Workforce Across The World

New Delhi (The Hawk): Union Minister For Labour & Employment Shri Bhupender Yadavparticipated in High Level Panel discussion in Geneva today, organized by ILO under the World of Work summit on the sidelines of ILC meeting. The theme of the discussion was “Tackling multiple global crises: promoting human centered recovery and resilience”.

The discussion mainly focussed on multiple challenges that the world of work is facing such as worsening inequalities, demographic realities, unequal technological progress, informality, climate changeand what action should be taken by the countries and the international communities to tackle these challenges so as to achieve the goal of human centred, resilient and sustainable recovery. The Ministerspoke at length about the measures India has taken totackle informality and for providing social security to the informal sector workers. He mentioned about e-shram portal for registering the informal workers and establishment of social security fund for financing their social security. He also talked about future of work, digital transformation, gig and platform workers and measures taken in the code for protection of their rights and their welfare. He emphasised on need forplanned migration and mobility of the workers which has become an imperative owing to changes in the demography across the world. He also talked about global skill mapping for facilitating mobility of the skilled workforce across the world. Government’s actionin building a resilient society and bringing about inclusive and sustainable development was also emphasised.


The other panelists of the discussion were:

  •  M. Pierre-Yves Dermagne, Vice-Premier Ministre, Ministre de l’Economie et du Travail, Royaume de Belgique
  • Ms Isabelle Durant, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • Youth expert on refugees, employment and education
  • Mme Saida Neghza, PrĂ©sidente, ConfĂ©dĂ©ration GĂ©nĂ©rale des Entreprises AlgĂ©riennes, RĂ©publique algĂ©rienne dĂ©mocratique et populaire
  • Mr Omar Faruk Osman Nur, General Secretary, Federation of Somali Trade Unions, Federal Republic of Somalia

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