Prayagraj: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday applauded the efforts of Prasar Bharti in launching a special radio channel 'Kumbhvani' specially for the Maha Kumbh, which is scheduled to commence on January 13. He said that the radio channel will make Kumbh Mela accessible to those living in remote areas of the country, where the connectivity issues still persist.
"We will deliver all information about the Maha Kumbh to those living in remote villages via these facilities. We can broadcast the happenings in Maha Kumbh so that people living in remote areas experience the same," CM Adityanath said while speaking at the inaugural event in Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj.
The CM further appreciated the efforts made by Prasar Bharti in launching a dedicated radio channel for the Maha Kumbh and said that it has overcome challenges despite the changing times. He said that the radio channel has an important role in bringing folk culture and tradition to the people.
"Akashvani was the only medium we had to reach commoners and provide them with folk culture and tradition. I remember, during childhood, we used to listen to the lines from Ramcharitmanas which were broadcasted by Akashvani. With time, things changed and people shifted to visual mediums. However, Prasar Bharati managed to stay put despite these challenges, especially in areas where there are connectivity issues," Adityanath said.
He said that those who have a "narrow" view of Sanatan Dharma and claim that there is caste-based discrimination should witness the Maha Kumbh Mela where people from all walks of life bathe in the holy Sangam.
"Maha Kumbh is not just a (simple) event. It represents the Sanatan pride, a mega gathering. Anyone who wants to witness the glory of Sanatan Dharma should come here for the Kumbh. Those who see Sanatan Dharma in a narrow way and divide people by saying that there persists discrimination, should come and see that there is no discrimination on the basis of caste. There is no practice of untouchability. There is no discrimination on the basis of gender. All gather together to bathe in Sangam," the CM added.
Asserting that Maha Kumbh invokes unity among different communities, Adityanath said, "All religions and communities bathe together at the same place. All people come to one place and take a dip of faith and take the message of Sanatan pride to the entire country and the world. This is a spiritual message. On this occasion, the entire world is seen here in the form of a nest."
On the second day of his Prayagraj visit, Yogi Adityanath also unveiled the statue of the former and late MP Kamla Bahuguna. He inaugurated 'Maa Ki Rasoi' run by Nandi Seva Sansthan on Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital premises.
He was accompanied by UP Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak and other cabinet ministers including Swatantradev Singh, Nand Gopal Gupta Nandi and Om Prakash Rajbhar at the inauguration event. The Chief Minister expressed gratitude towards Union Information and Broadcasting Minister L Murugan.
The special radio channel 'Kumbhvani' will broadcast at 103.5 MHz frequency. This channel will be on air from January 10 to February 26. It will be broadcast from 5.55 AM to 10.05 PM. (ANI)