Dehradun (Uttarakhand): Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami launched various digital projects developed by the Department of Information Technology and NIC at the Secretariat.
The Chief Minister said that in the present times, to make public services more efficient, faster and inclusive in the digital age and to meet the challenges of cybersecurity and data security, ITDA and NIC have jointly developed various online platforms by assimilating new technology so that the general public can easily get various types of services on a single platform on the lines of All in One.
He said that the website of all the departments built in the S3WaaS (Secure, Scalable and Sugamya Website as a Service) framework will prove to be a milestone in terms of cybersecurity.
The Chief Minister said that it is important that ITDA in the state has been made AUA (Authentication User Agency) - KUA (Key User Agency) by UIDAI. After this, services related to Aadhaar authentication and E-KYC can be provided through portals developed by various departments of the state, such as UCC, Virtual Registry, etc.
The Chief Minister said that the State Data Center has also improved itself after the cyber attack. Near Disaster Recovery has been established in the Secretariat. It is a big thing that in the near disaster recovery, various sensitive applications and websites of the state can be made operational within 15 minutes in case of any emergency.
The CM said that from the security point of view, the Security Operation Center is working 24/7 under the State Data Center. This step is a commendable effort to further strengthen and improve the digital system under the state of Uttarakhand.
The Chief Minister directed all the departments to make a better setup for better implementation of digital digitization. He directed all the departments to keep their departmental information updated.
He directed the ITDA to guide all the departments to work smoothly and quickly on the new platform developed.
The Chief Minister appreciated the efforts made by NIC and ITDA and encouraged ITDA and NIC to work better in the field of IT in Uttarakhand in the future by mutual coordination.
During this meeting, Chief Secretary Radha Raturi, Additional Chief Secretary Anand Vardhan, Principal Secretary RK Sudhanshu and L. Fanai, Secretary R. Meenakshi Sundaram, Nitesh Jha, Pankaj Pandey, Deependra Chaudhary, Dr. R. Rajesh Kumar, Director ITDA Nitika Khandelwal and other concerned officials were present. (ANI)