Dehradun (The Hawk): Dr. Renu Singh IFS, Director FRI, inaugurated celebrations on the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought aschief guest. In the inaugural address, Director said that this day offers usa chance to recognize that land degradation neutrality is achievable through problem solving, strong community involvement and co-operation at all levels. Quoting various reports Dr. Singhsaid to be cautious as climate change is expected to increase the risk of droughts in many vulnerable regions of the world and many countries may experience an increase in drought exposure. She also expressed that it'shigh time to come together to treat the limited and precious natural resource, prioritize its health in the pandemic recovery and put our sincere efforts in mitigating drought and restore the land. She emphasized the acceleration of restoration, capacity building, women's involvement in land management, risk assessment, and reducing man-made causes
Sh. N. BalaScientist G, delivered alecture on Combating Desertification through forestry interventions.He discussed various technological aspects of forestry interventions to mitigate land degradations of various kinds.An essay competition for technical employees of FRI was also organized on the topic "Problems due to drought and its solution" and the winners Sh. Ashish Kumar, Deepak Kumar, Amit Singh Bist and DigvijayRana were awarded withcertificates on the occasion by the Director. Dr. Vijender Panwar, Head, Forest Ecology & Climate Change Division and ENVIS Coordinator, All Head of Divisions, Dean and Registrar FRIDU, Registrar FRI, Officers/scientists, and Technical Staff of the Institute attended the celebrations. Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal proposed a vote of thanks.