CII Organized An Interactive Session With Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board

CII Organized An Interactive Session

Dehradun (The Hawk): Mr S K Pattnaik IFS, Member Secretary, Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board, Government of Uttarakhand while addressing CII members thanked the industry for coming forward and supporting pollution control board in getting themselves registered for EPR and apprised that 80% registrations have been completed so far. While deliberating on plastic waste management, he stressed that all the plastic waste generated by PIBOs or any industry should be disposed through plastic waste processors or cement coprocessors only, in case of violating this provision strict action will be taken, because plastic waste is the serious concern which is affecting society at large.
Mr Bipen Gupta, Chairman, CII Uttarakhand State Council & Director, G B Springs, highlighted few key points which included allowing use of existing CETP at IIE SIIDCUL, by neighbouring industries. For this, the industry should be allowed to transport the effluent by tankers to the CETP at IIE SIIDCUL & instruction should be given to the JV partner to accept the effluent for treatment from industry outside SIIDCUL. Mr Pattnaik also addressed the issue of legacy waste disposal and apprised members that the timeline has been issued for the bioremediation and disposable of legacy waste by urban development department for which few DPR has been approved and few are under consideration from Ministry of Urban Development. He apprised that 34 landfilling sights have been identified across the states and work has already been started for which a conservative target has been set up till December 2023.
While closing his address, he said that department is to support the industry for any query or suggestion industry can reach out to the department at any time.
CII also recommended setting up of ETPs for a cluster of industries outside notified industrial areas since MSMEs do not have funds to invest in ETPs. Monthly user charges can be charged from industries by government /ETP operator based on usage of the facility, to extend CETPs in all the clusters among others.
Mr Mannu Kochhar, Past Chairman, CII Uttarakhand emphasised on the waste oil collection issue for which industry has only one registered collection agency based out of Roorkee which charges high cost even for low volume and suggested if government can help in setting up of a local collection centre at affordable cost. The interaction was very much appreciated and was well attended by over 30 industries from Dehradun, Haridwar and Kumaon region.

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