6 Books Written By Acharya Prashant Included In The Top 11 In 'Spiritual Category' On Amazon

Rudrapur (The Hawk):  6 books written by Acharya Prashant, the founder of Prashant Advaita Foundation, have been included in the top 11 in "Spiritual Category" on Amazon. It is a rare and special event when so many books of the same author top the list.

Acharya Prashant, the founder of PrashantAdvaita Sanstha, has been working in a spiritual mission since 2006 to impart knowledge of Vedic texts to the common people of India. Acharya Prashant is the author of more than 80 books on Vedanta penetrating and spirituality.

A huge program called "Ghar Ghar Upanishad" has been started for the Hindu society to have knowledge of their scriptures. Under this campaign, copies of Vedanta-Upanishads are being provided free of cost to 20 crore homes.

Acharya Prashant took the lead in the spiritual revival of the masses after the degree of IIM. His book 'Karma' in English is the top bestselling book in the country. He has had more than 500 sessions in reputed universities of the country, has more than 10,000 videos on YouTube.

Apart from this, he also had a total of 19 books in the "Top 50" list of spiritual books. These include many books including Mahabharata, Relationship, Panchatantra, Darr, Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, Ashtavakra Geeta, Bhage Bhala Na Hoye. Acharya Prashant is teaching Vedanta, Upanishad by spreading spirituality in the country and abroad, as well as advising people to stay away from non-vegetarian and become vegan, so that cruelty to animals can be stopped.

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