Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak on Thursday said that the state government will not tolerate any illegal activity and probe agencies were investigating the matter of Seema Haider who travelled through Nepal to reach Noida from Pakistan’s Karachi.
"We will maintain law and order in the state. We will not tolerate any illegal activity. State agencies, as well as Central agencies, were investigating the matter," Pathak said while speaking to ANI.
On Monday, a team of UP Anti Terrorism Squad questioned Seema Haider in Greater Noida to verify the claims of her journey.
Central Intelligence Agencies have sought a report from Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) and Uttar Pradesh Police on Seema Haider who travelled through Nepal to reach Noida from Pakistan’s Karachi.
A senior official confirmed that the agencies got alerted about Seema Haider, who illegally crossed into India to marry and live with her Indian partner, they asked for a detailed report from SSB and UP Police.
Seema Haider had crossed over to India to live with Sachin Meena whom she befriended via an online game.
The couple started living together in Greater Noida. However, Haider was arrested on July 4 for illegally entering India without a visa, while Meena was put behind bars for sheltering the illegal immigrants.
"Intelligence agencies have asked for a report from SSB and UP Police to find out how she managed to cross over without being verified by police personnel at the border. We have also demanded a report from UP Police as she entered India via the UP border and stayed with her partner for many days," the official said.
The official further added that they are verifying the claims about her journey she made in TV interviews and they are also finding out who assisted her in arriving in India from Pakistan.
"We are also taking the help of a technical team to verify the story of her arrival in India. We are also trying to get information about her background as much as possible," the official said.
SSB is primarily responsible for guarding two borders -Nepal and Bhutan.
Another officer said that unlike other borders, Nepal and Bhutan borders are not fenced.
“People from both countries travel across on a daily basis. Border guarding forces keep watch on movement but because of multiple entries it is impossible to keep watch on every person,” the officer said.