New Delhi: In a significant achievement, Border Security Forces (BSF) and Punjab Police in a joint operation successfully led to the apprehension of two Indian smugglers and the recovery of one packet of suspected heroin, as per a release by the Punjab Frontier PRO.
Acting on a tip-off by the BSF intelligence wing regarding smuggling activities in the depth area of village Attari, a meticulously planned ambush was conducted in collaboration with the Punjab Police.
During the operation which took place on January 3 around 3:40 pm, the joint ambush party observed two suspected people searching for contraband items dropped through drone from Pakistan side.
Subsequently, the ambush party apprehended both the suspected smuggler along with one packet of suspected heroin weighing 540 grams.
The narcotics were wrapped in yellow adhesive tape and a copper hook was found attached with this packet, a statement from the release stated.
Both the smugglers are residents of village Mode and Narainghar of Amritsar.
The apprehended individuals are currently under detailed questioning to investigate their links with Pak-based smugglers.
This apprehension took place near the Government High School Attari, Amritsar.
This operation underscores the commitment of BSF and Punjab Police to combating cross-border smuggling and ensuring the safety and security of our borders. (ANI)