Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Thursday performed Gau-Seva at CM's residence in Bhopal before leaving to participate in seventh edition of Regional Industry Conclave being held in Shahdol, believing worshipping cow holds special importance before the commencement of any work in Indian culture.
The seventh edition of Regional Industry Conclave is being held at University Institute of Technology (UIT) in Shahdol on Thursday, aiming to promote regional industries with cooperation and collaboration.
Along with worshipping the cow and performing Gau-seva, the Chief Minister also prayed for the welfare of the people of the state on the occasion.
"In Indian culture, worshipping the cow, 'Gau Mata', holds special importance before the commencement of any work. Before participating in the "Regional Industry Conclave" being held in Shahdol today, I performed Gau-seva at a cow shelter located in CM House and prayed for the welfare of the people of the state," CM stated in a post on X,
He further added, "With the blessings of Gau Mata, I wish for abundant investments in Madhya Pradesh, a state with endless possibilities, and for the path to be paved towards the realisation of a developed Madhya Pradesh."
Upon reaching Shahdol, CM Yadav inaugurated the seventh edition of the Regional Industry Conclave by lighting a lamp. Deputy Chief Minister Rajendra Shukla, state minister (independent charge) Dilip Jaiswal and others were present on the occasion.
"Today, I inaugurated the 'Regional Industry Conclave' organised in Shahdol district of Vindhya region by lighting a lamp. Deputy CM Rajendra Shukla, state minister of state (independent charge) Dilip Jaiswal, investors-industrialists, who came to attend the conclave and other dignitaries were present on this occasion," the CM said in a post on X.
Notably, the Regional Industry Conclaves are being held in the state as a pre-event of the "Invest Madhya Pradesh-Global Investor Summit-2025".
The main objective of the GIS-2025 Summit is to establish Madhya Pradesh as a favourable investment destination and to include it among the leading states of the country by highlighting the capabilities, abundant resources and favourable industrial environment of the state.
The first edition of Regional Industry Conclave was organised in Ujjain in March last year. After that the second edition was held in Jabalpur on July 20, 2024 and then third edition in Gwalior on August 28, 2024 fourth edition in Sagar on September 27, 2024, fifth edition in Rewa on October 23, 2024 and sixth edition in Narmadapuram on December 7 last year. (ANI)