Kochi: A Kerala youth on Tuesday committed suicide in his house, an hour after stabbing a 19-year-old nursing student and her parents, said police. According to the police, around noon time, the youth identified as Eldhos, barged into the house of the young nursing student, Alkha. He stabbed her several times and hearing the cries, her parents Ouseph and Chinnama came to her defence and they were also injured.
Alkha’s condition is serious & her parents are out of danger
After stabbing Alkha several times, Eldhos fled from the spot. All the three injured were moved to the hospital. Alkha’s condition is reported to be serious and her parents are now out of danger.
Had been stalking Alkha for a while
Eldhos, according to the police, had been stalking Alkha for a while. She had changed her mobile numbers also after Eldhos pestered her with calls. More details were awaited.