Srinagar: After directions from the Supreme Court, Ladakh administration on Friday issued a fresh notification for Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC) election allotting regional National Conference (NC), the plough symbol.
“In pursuance to the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 06/09/2023 in Civil Appeal No. 5707 of 2023 (SLP No. 18727 of 2023), the symbol 'Plough' is hereby reserved for the Jammu & Kashmir National Conference Party for the ensuing elections to the 5th Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council, Kargil,” reads the notification issued by Ladakh administration.
The voting for the LAHDC elections earlier scheduled for September 10 will now be held on October 4.
Earlier, the Ladakh administration had refused to allot the symbol to the NC's candidates. The election commissioner for the UT had refused to allot the symbol as the NC was not a recognised party in Ladakh. The NC challenged this decision.