Shimla: As heavy snowfall across Himachal Pradesh has disrupted road connectivity, blocking over 350 roads, Public Works Department (PWD) Minister Vikramaditya Singh assured that extensive snow clearance operations are underway, with 268 machines deployed in affected areas, and 235 roads expected to reopen by Wednesday evening.
The state government has deployed snow clearance machines across snowbound regions, including Dalhousie and Rohru. Singh provided details of the deployment, stating, "We have 70 departmental JCBs, 96 hired machines, 13 advanced snowblowers, and 13 bulldozers actively working in these areas."
Singh underlined the importance of ensuring smooth travel for both locals and tourists during the peak festive season, while also highlighting the economic significance of snowfall for the state.
"December snowfall is particularly crucial for horticulture," Singh explained. "It provides essential moisture and natural fertilization for crops, enhancing productivity. Horticulture, which generates Rs 4,500 crore annually, is the backbone of our economy, and this snowfall is a boon for it. Additionally, tourism, a vital revenue contributor, benefits immensely from a scenic, snow-laden Himachal Pradesh."
Singh assured that the administration is fully prepared to welcome tourists to popular destinations like Shimla, Manali, and Dalhousie, viewing this as an opportunity to showcase the state's winter charm and boost the economy.
"We are fully prepared to welcome tourists to Himachal's destinations. District administrations have been directed to prioritize snow clearance in critical areas to minimize inconvenience to visitors," Singh said. He also noted that tourism is not only a key economic activity but also integral to the state's identity.
In light of the snowfall and road blockages, Singh informed the media that a review meeting was held with the PWD to ensure efficient operations.
"I have directed the Chief Engineers to cancel all leaves of field staff deployed in snowbound areas. Only in cases of extreme emergencies will alternative arrangements be considered," he said, underscoring the department's commitment to restoring normalcy.
Singh also provided updates on the progress of the Bhubhu Jot tunnel, a strategic infrastructure project aimed at reducing the travel distance between Manali and the China border by 50-60 kilometres.
"This tunnel is crucial for the state's connectivity and holds immense strategic importance for national defence," Singh noted, adding that discussions with Union Ministers Nitin Gadkari and Rajnath Singh are ongoing.
Concluding the briefing, Singh reiterated the state government's preparedness to tackle challenges posed by the snowfall.
"Our focus is on restoring connectivity quickly and efficiently to facilitate smooth movement for everyone. Himachal Pradesh is ready to welcome tourists and support locals in every way possible," he declared. (ANI)