Goa police successfully trace missing Nepali girl

Police in Goa successfully located the missing daughter of a Nepali mayor who disappeared in Mandrem. A coordinated effort involving special teams, CCTV scrutiny, and beach searches culminated in her discovery.

Porvorim (Goa): The 36-year-old daughter of a Nepali mayor who was missing from Goa on Wednesday was traced, said police.
While addressing a press conference on the same, Superintendent of Police Akshat Kaushal said a missing complaint was lodged at the Mandrem police station. Special teams were formed to trace the missing girl. The information at that time was that the girl was a resident of Nepal who was visiting Goa as a tourist.

He added that the information was that she was last seen at a wellness resort in Mandrem. During the inquiry, several CCTV cameras were looked into. Search parties were formed to visit all hospitals in Goa. The entire night, search parties visited beaches to check, and fortunately, due to constant efforts, the girl was found this morning.
Expressing satisfaction, he said, "I am happy to report that she is fine and that necessary NGO support has been provided to her. First aid is also given. If required, we will also take legal action. Her family members were in touch with Goa Police, and we also kept taking updates from them. The safety of a missing girl was our priority."

He further revealed, "She left her mobile where she was residing, which is why her family members could not contact her. She has not endured any physical injury. The NGO is providing her counselling. Within 10-12 hours, we could track her. She was not familiar with Goa's topography, and she was not carrying her mobile. This can also be a reason she could not come back. The missing complaint was filed by the owner of the place where she was residing."
Highlighting the police's commitment to missing complaints, he said that such cases are dealt with with full effort.
"This also shows how we worked and ensured such positive results. There is no kidnapping angle in this case. She missed her path. No misinformation must be spread against her," he added further.
He also clarified that the case is not linked to the Lok Sabha elections in any way.


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