New Delhi: On Wednesday afternoon, a 24-year-old man was reported to have jumped into the Yamuna river from the Delhi-Noida Direct (DND) flyover and later died.
The victim was identified as Vijay Singh, an electrician from Hissar, Haryana, who was working in Sector-27, Noida.
The police said that at approximately 1:45 p.m. on Wednesday, a PCR call was received at the Sunlight Colony police station stating that a man had jumped into the Yamuna river from the DND flyover.
"On reaching the spot, the police found an abandoned bike on the flyover. The bike is registered in the name of Raju Kumar, a resident of Dwarka area in Delhi," a senior police officer said.
Arif, a jhuggi dweller in Taimur Nagar, called the police to report that he witnessed someone jump off the DND flyover when he was fishing in the river.
"The body was fished out, but no identity proof was found. However, during initial enquiry, the deceased was identified as an unmarried man who stayed in a rented accommodation in Sector-126, Noida. His family members, who live at their native place in Hisar, have been informed," the officer said.—Inputs from Agencies