New Delhi: Actor-politician Kangana Ranaut has criticised the organisers of Paris Olympics for including an act in the opening ceremony that featured drag queens performing an apparent parody of "The Last Supper” painting by Leonardo da Vinci.
The multi-sports spectacle, in which India is being represented by 117 athletes, kick-started in the French capital on Friday evening with a lavish opening ceremony that was nearly four hours long.
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The organisers faced significant criticism on social media for the drag act featuring 18 performers, including three well-known Drag Race France queens, who struck poses behind a long table with the Seine River and Eiffel Tower as the backdrop.
A massive serving tray was placed on the table with a scantily dressed man, painted in sparkling blue, curled up inside.
In a post on her Instagram Stories, Ranaut criticised the act as a "hyper-s*xualised, blasphemous rendition of The Last Supper", which is one of the most famous art works in the world depicting Jesus's last meal with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion.