Kedarnath For All. World famous inimitable, unmatchable Kedarnath. Timeless Kedarnath. Unique Kedarnath. Total power stymied Kedarnath. Omnipotent (all powerful) Kedarnath. Omniscient (all knowing) Kedarnath. "Knowing beforehand in full" Kedarnath, also, world famous as Baba Kedarnath. Also, Kedar Baba. Also, Kedareshwar. Kedar Swami. Kedar incarnation in Kedarnath in truest sense of Kedareshwar personified. Since time immemorial. Sarve Sarva Kedarnath. Also, Kedar Baba. Situated at Kedarnath 239 Km from Haridwar via NH7, NH34, NH107. A unique first time here about Kedarnath: Kedaraha, Kedarau, Kedaraha; Kedaram, Kedarau, Kedaran; Kedareno, Kedarabhyan, kedarabhyaha; Kedaram, Kedarau, Kedaran; Kedaraya, Kedarabhyam, Kedarabhyaha; Kedarasya, Kedareyoha, Kedaronam; Kedare, Kedaryoha, Kedaresu...Each one of these Kedarnath's Kedar names are so practically omni powerful that they are fully synonymous with Kedarnath every moment of the day plus they are instant all round responsive when mentioned them with utmost concentration + complete dedication + devotion.
Kedar Baba: The Omnipotent, Ever-Awake Protector and Provider
Kedar Baba is omni-alive, ever-alert, omni-boon provider, omni-benevolent, omni-ubiquitous (present everywhere), omniscient(knowing everything beforehand itself), premonition par excellence without any match, Father or Baba to all. Kedar Baba is timeless, there are many available versions on him. All of them fully pertain to "mahima" of Kedarnath, His leela, His Divya roop, his patience, his tolerance, his surveillance, his extreme test of patience, his boon to the shreeshtee, his solace to the masses, his full response to all of them who are committed to Him. Kedareswar or viBaba Kedarnath or KedarnathJi or Kederashwar or KedarBaba is for all, by all, of all...Kedarnath is true epitome of Sarva Shaktiman personified. He is in constant meditation but he is uniquely "awake" to all that are happening here and there, rather, every where. He, true to Him, remains unruffled, quiet to all un-uniform phenomena till he is fully tested. It is then that He shows his Real Self, may be only a sprinkler of it like in 2013 when entire Kedarnath was flooded, ruins every where in Kedarnath, corpses every where within the vicinity of Kedarnath, up to far away, buildings washed out, destruction all in Kedarnath, no stoppage to all that till KedarBaba decided to end it but not before many, many masses witnessed a Unique water-flow from behind the "24×7 alive" Kedarnath, this water with a peculiar stink was never known to have existed ever behind the Sanctum Santorum of Kedarnath since thousands of years.
The Miraculous Protection of Kedarnath: A Testament to Divine Power
Lakhs of years may be, yes. This water had a such "unexplainable" stink that was never ever known to the mankind of today, yesterday as no details, even it's mention, inscribed any where. Another miracle of then in Kedarnath: At a time when everything collapsed, washed away in Kedarnath, the very Kedarnath Temple housing Kedar Baba remained intact, protected by KedarnathJi's "bahan" NandiJi, the sliding rock that stood between the Temple and the ocean-like speedy stream unabatedly speeding down unabatedly toward the Temple. It is assured that if that rock would not have stopped the unruly waters gushing down toward the temple, it would have been destructed, washed away. But look at the wonder of KedarnathJi / Kedar Baba, the Temple remained unscathed. No damage to it. Around it, all destruction of ever unseen kind. But no loss to Kedarnath. Baba Kedar practically showed to the mankind, the place belongs to Kedarnath thus, his omni presence there should always be acknowledged, respected, approved, revered, prayed, not in any way polluted, disrespected, treat it in abeyance. Kedar Baba / Kedarnath is "atulaniya", unparallel, "abhabaniya," "rarest of rare", "unprecedented", "beyond any comparision", "beyond any human imagination", "beyond any thinking" for ever...Jai Kedarnath, Jai Baba Kedarnath.