Poonam Pandey Declares 'I'm Alive'; Simulated 'Death' to Spotlight Cervical Cancer Awareness

Poonam Pandey dispels death rumors, reveals orchestrated stunt for cervical cancer awareness.
Actor Poonam Pandey

Poonam Pandey, the model turned actor recently addressed the rumors surrounding her well being in a video message. She emphasized that she is indeed alive and expressed her regret for any distress caused by the news of her death.


It seems that Pandey has partnered with hauterrfly a women platform owned by the Mumbai based Fork Media Group to promote awareness about cervical cancer. As part of this collaboration they have launched a website called www.poonampandeyisalive.com. The website aims to advocate for the eradication of cancer and provide valuable information about the disease.

Poonam Pandey News


Initially Poonam Pandeys team announced her 'death' on Instagram, which led to speculation due to no indications of cervical cancer and reported unavailability of her family. However Pandey clarified that this entire incident was intentionally created to start a conversation and raise awareness, about cancer.

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