Mumbai: May 21 holds a special place in actor Sushmita Sen's life as she was crowned Miss Universe 28 years ago on the same date. Recalling the glorious moment, Sushmita, on Saturday, took to Twitter and penned a heartfelt note. "Beautiful is a feeling. Happy 28 years of INDIA winning Miss Universe for the very first time!!Time flies...Beauty remains!!!#Love #Pride #Motherland #MissUniverse1994 #INDIA. Mahal Kita #Philippines," she wrote.Alongside the nostalgic note, Sushmita dropped a stunning picture of herself in a red outfit. She also shared a string of fans' congratulatory messages on her Instagram handle.
The beauty-queen-turned-actor competed against contestants from 77 countries around the world and became the first Indian woman to clinch the Miss Universe title in 1994. That same year, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was crowned Miss World 1994.—ANI