No More Alia But,..

Encouraged by her husband Ranbir Kapoor and mother-in-law Neetu Kapoor, Alia is being supported to live a life free from the starry façade.
alia bhatt

No more only Alia, the uniquely juxtaposed / superimposed multi-in-1 persona, but Alia Kapoor from now on, she now being an inherent part and parcel of Kapoor-khandan for all times to come from now on...Her mother-in-law, far young-looking --- gorgeously slim, trim, all round handsome --- than Alia, truly inimitable Neetu Kapoor herself wants Alia be as normal persona as possible without all starry shackles so that she continues to lead normal life without any shackles unlike her who was virtually compelled, forced to lead a facade-full of life being a Kapoor-bahu which according to her halted her all round progresses in her life. She is completing them now, evincing herself to be far more worthy than what she was projected as by her late husband Rishi Kapoor, the Kapoor khandan...Engrossingly, her son Ranbir is indifferent, rather, mighty thrilled, at his Ma doing excellent roles proving to all that she is a genuine actress but was forcibly compelled to keep herself cocooned. He does not support that at all, reveal insiders. They further reveal that Ranbir is spontaneously going ahead, sponsoring Alia to "act" as she has "numerous acting" left in her, much of which are national and international awards prone. Thus, no more Alia but Alia Kapoor, Gotcha?!?

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