Odisha-Based ITI Makes Chariot Using Scrap Materials

Berhampur: The Berhampur Industrial Training Institute in Odisha, which has become a trendsetter in using waste articles to create sculptures and artefacts, has made a chariot using scrap materials, an official said on Friday.

The chariot, which weighs around 600 kg, has a height of 12.5 feet and measures 7 feet each in width and length, he said. It was installed in the institute's open-air scrap material park during the day on the occasion of Ratha Jatra. Artefacts of two parrots and as many horses are also installed in the chariot, like in the Nandighosh -- the chariot of Lord Jagannath, Berhampur ITI principal Rajat Panigrahy said.

The parrots and horses were also made of waste materials. Several students and teachers of various departments, including welding and painting of the institute, worked for around a fortnight to make the chariot from scrap materials, he said. The open-air scrap park on the campus of the institute was dotted with several giant sculptures-all made of scrap and automobile waste materials. Around 35 sculptures have already been installed in the park, an official of the institute. —PTI

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