First International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Communication and Computing Systems to be organised on June1-2 in IIIT Una

IIIT Una Campus

IIIT Una is going to host the First International Conference on “Integrated Circuits, Communication, and Computing Systems (ICIC3S-2024)” on 1-2 June 2024. It is the premier forum for showcasing recent developments and research findings in the domains of integrated circuits, microwave, communication, and next generation computing. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers, and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. The impetus for this conference is based on the growing necessity to support an exponentially growing number of intelligent devices while also maintaining highly effective communication systems.

Chief Patrons of the conference are Shri Ravi Sharma, Chairperson, BoG IIIT Una and Prof. S. Selvakumar, Director, IIIT Una while Prof. Amarnath Gill, Registrar, IIIT Una will act as Patron. Key note speakers include Prof. B. K. Kanaujia, Director, NIT Jalandhar; Dr. Brano Kusy,Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Australia; Prof. Valentina E. Balas; Professor, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad; Prof. Prerna Gaur, NSUT Delhi; Prof. A. Q. Ansari, JMI New Delhi; Prof. H. Parthasarathy, NSUT Delhi; and Prof. M. N. Hooda, BVICAM New Delhi.

There will be four main categories of research papers to be presented in the conference. Last date for submission of research papers is 31 January 2024.
1.Integrated Devices and Circuits (Electronic Devices, Analog, Digital & Mixed Signal Design, Low-Power, Low-Voltage Designs, Device Modeling and Process Simulation, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Opto-Electronic Devices, MEMS, NEMS Design and Technology, Flexible Electronics, Actuators & Sensing Devices, Wearables and Implantable Devices, Smart Electronic Materials and Sensor Technologies)
2.Radio Frequency, Microwave and mmWave (Microwave Communications, Advanced RF Measurement Techniques, Antenna Design for Communication Systems and Networks,Antennas and Systems for 5G and Beyond, Metamaterials for Antennas, Millimeter, Terahertz Antennas and Systems, Tunable and Reconfigurable Antennas, RF Filters and Microwave Absorbers)
3.Integrated Devices and Circuits ( Communication Theory and Applications, Wireless Sensors and Ad Hoc Networks, Vehicular Communications and Networks, Molecular Communications, MIMO, Massive-MIMO and OFDM Underwater Communication, Software Defined Radio, Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Management, Intelligent Protocols for Communication Systems Machine-to-Machine Communication Systems, Signal Processing: Theory, Methods, and Applications, Signal Processing Systems and Architectures Adaptive Communication Systems and Networks, Optical Wireless, Fiber Communication)
4.Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Computing (Computer Vision, Embedded Systems, Intelligent Robotics, Internet of Things and its Applications, Artificial Intelligence and its Applications, Soft Computing, Quantum Computing, Neural Network and Machine Learning, Multimedia Signal Processing, Speech Signal Processing, Image and Video Processing, Biomedical Signal Processing)

All accepted and presented papers will be considered for inclusion in IEEE Xplore (indexed by Scopus) subject to the quality requirement.
It is interesting to know that IIIT Una is one of the 20 IIITs being set up, funded, and managed by the MoE, GoI, under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model in the year 2014, an Institute of National Importance (INI) by an Act of Parliament, GoI. The partners involved in setting up IIIT Una are the Ministry of Education, Government of India, the Government of Himachal Pradesh, HP Power Corporation Limited, and HP Power Transmission Corporation Limited. Admissions to the undergraduate programs at the Institute are made through the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main.

—SP Verma

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