
In the era of mobiles, humans no longer need humans, but they are suffering from depression in times of trouble

Mobile depression

It is an incident of some time ago. When a child returned to his coaching after a long time, his teacher expressed concern and asked, 'Because of Kovid, you remained alone for so many days. It must have felt very bad and bored! Then that child said that 'No, I was very happy... I had all my 'gadgets' with me. I used to have a great time without friends. I don't even feel the need for friends It happened.' Probably any sensitive person would be surprised to hear such an answer from the child. The use of technology has interfered in our lives to such an extent that now humans do not need other humans much. 

The need to sit together and gossip is disappearing. From shopping to meeting is also happening through video call After the complete ban to prevent the epidemic, now the situation is that from shopping for household items to meeting people, it is also done through video calls of smartphones. The limit is that all the members of the same house They don't talk much to each other. They are engrossed in their mobile phones even while sitting together. Instead of knowing or understanding the mind of a member of the household, they have started giving more priority to talking to someone thousands of kilometers away on social media. The irony is that it is affecting children the most. They know how to operate technology, but they absolutely cannot control relationships and emotions. Psychologists say that such children, who are becoming completely socially cut off, are more likely to face a bad situation. But go into depression. 

They resort to drugs etc. or sometimes even commit suicide. Many times children want someone to listen to them, counsel them, but parents get busy in their phone or internet world after work. Immobility has come in the life of children Actually, there has been a lot of immobility in the lives of children. They don't go out to play. Education was also online during the pandemic. Even after studying, they play different games or watch videos on the phone itself. now people somewhere real Even when we go casually, we are not completely on the spot under the pressure of making a 'reel' or sharing photos. An acquaintance's daughter is so tech savvy that she has built several apps, she is a master at coding. But when her love affair broke, she went into deep depression. He didn't know whom to talk to about this. His parents were busy on their phones. Even if she tries to say or tell something, her words do not get importance. It was only when she fell seriously ill that they realized what a mistake they had made.Were staying Among the studies that have come out about increasing loneliness in people, the main thing is that loneliness weakens our immunity. Being a victim of heart attack, diabetes, dementia etc. is becoming common. 

Research conducted at the University of Arizona in the US has revealed that over-reliance on technology, especially smartphones, has changed the way we behave. This is the biggest reason for increasing depression among the youth. This proved to be very harmful for them emotionally as well as physically.It's happening Too much dependence on smartphones has also made him suffer from 'FOMO'. 'FOMO' is such a situation, when a person does not have a mobile, he will feel a fear of separation from the world. It would seem that a lot is happening and he is not able to be a part of it. This is the fear that people keep scrolling unnecessarily or running fingers on it every time they have the phone in hand. 

This imaginary fear has started isolating people from the real world. Now every person also has an 'e-identity', which he can carry at all times.wants to increase more. How many friends and followers one has on social media has also become a status symbol. That's why there is a competition to make our 'e-personality' bigger by giving more and more time to social media. While according to a research by Oxford University, out of about 150 social media friends, only four people are hardly able to meet when there is a real need. It is true that technology helped people a lot during the lockdown. People were connected to the world through phones and internet. but Increasing dependence on technology is a dangerous sign. Technology can never be a substitute for humans. When we are faced with a real problem or emotionally disturbed, we need a real human being to help us. 

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