New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has initiated a case under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) against Saurabh Sharma, a former constable of the Madhya Pradesh State Road Transportation Department, and his associate, Chetan Singh Gaur.
The ED's action follows a First Information Report (FIR) registered by the Lokayukta's Special Police Establishment (SPE) in Bhopal. During the investigation, the SPE recovered assets worth crores from the residences of the accused.
ED filed an Enforcement Case Information Report (ECIR) under the PMLA to probe the extent of alleged money laundering activities.
The agency took action after the Lokayukta carried out search operations on December 19 and 20 and uncovered significant assets suspected to be disproportionate to Saurabh Sharma's known sources of income. As per an official statement from the SPE on Saturday, Sharma has been charged with amassing wealth beyond his financial capacity.
At Sharma's residence, authorities seized vehicles, household items, jewellery, and cash worth approximately Rs 3.86 crore. Meanwhile, assets found at his shared office with Chetan Singh Gaur, including silver and cash, were estimated at Rs 4.12 crore. The total value of assets recovered from both locations stands at around Rs 7.98 crore.
Sharma, who voluntarily retired from the Madhya Pradesh State Road Transportation Department a year ago after serving for 12 years, has since shifted his focus to real estate. Authorities revealed that Sharma began investing in properties during his tenure in government service. Currently, Sharma is reportedly living in Dubai with his family. (ANI)