New Delhi: Union minister Smriti Irani said on Wednesday that the government has decided to do away with the discretionary Haj quota that was given to people in top constitutional posts and the minority affairs ministry. She said that this is part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's plan to end 'VIP culture'.
Minister of Minority Affairs, Irani criticised the Congress-led UPA government, noting that the discretionary quota was implemented during that period.
"A decision has been take (to end discretionary quota in Haj). Prime Minister Modi had put forward his resolve to end VIP culture on the very first day of his term. VIP culture was put in place with respect to Haj during the UPA rule under which there was a special quota allocated to the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Haj Committee and all those in top constitutional posts," she told TV9 Bharatvarsh here.—Inputs from Agencies