New Delhi: The Delhi Police announced on Tuesday that they had arrested four people, including students from AIIMS, who they said were members of a NEET test gang that charged Rs 7 lakh per person to take exams in place of actual applicants.
The accused were named as Naresh Bishnoi, Sanju Yadav, Mahavir, and Jitendra.
Bishnoi, a second-year student at the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) here, was arrested during his second-year exams, and he is believed to be the gang's leader, according to sources.
Yadav was caught red-handed while giving the NEET exam on behalf of a candidate.
The two suspects, identified as Mahavir and Jitendra, were arrested in Nagpur.
A number of items, including a laptop and mobile phones, have been seized by the police from the suspects. Bishnoi lured several AIIMS students with financial incentives, then arranged for first-year students to take the nationwide NEET exam on behalf of other candidates.
“It was revealed that the gang used to take Rs 7 lakh for rigging their exams. Police teams are also further conducting probe and more arrests are likely to happen,” a source said.—Inputs from Agencies