Pollution: 24 grossly violating industrial units ordered to close

New Delhi: As per the forecast, the average Air Quality Index (AQI) of Delhi is likely to be in 'Poor' and 'Very Poor' categories given the unfavourable climatic and meteorological conditions that generally prevail in the NCR during winters and the occurrence of farm fires.

Taking note of this, the Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR and Adjoining Areas has intensified its efforts to ensure enforcement and compliance of its directions.

The Commission stated that since invoking the GRAP Stage-I with effect from October 6, 2022, a total of 472 incognito inspections have been carried out in industrial areas and construction projects across NCR, and 52 grossly violating units/projects have been issued closure orders. Closure orders have been issued to 24 grossly violating industrial units. Of these, (5) industrial units were still found using coal and other unapproved polluting fuels.

The Commission has also issued closure directions to 45 coal-based industrial units in Rajasthan. Thirty-two coal-based units (9 in Haryana and 23 in UP) have been closed down permanently. Forty-eight units (8 in Haryana and 40 in UP) have temporarily suspended their operations till these units are converted to approved fuels.

The standard approved fuel list for NCR bans use of heavily polluting fuels like coal, furnace oil etc. Biomass fuels with stricter emission norms have however been permitted in NCR, outside the territorial jurisdiction of GNCTD considering the huge availability and need to promote environmentally sustainable use of biomass. The Commission in association with the state governments has launched a drive for shifting all industries in NCR to cleaner fuels as per approved list.

With the prime objective to abate the air pollution levels in the NCR, the Commission has intensified incognito field inspections through Flying Squads towards better enforcement and monitoring of compliance of all relevant air pollution-related statutes and guidelines. 


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