SOS: Make Delhi, India Livable, Its Atmosphere Free From Macabre Pollution

Air Pollution Delhi

Sheer Ardent, Immediate SOS: Make Delhi, India Livable, Its Atmosphere Free From Rapid Death-Influencing Macabre Pollution Emanating From Toxic After Effects, (Sarcastically)Thanks to reckless all round deadly polluting paraphernalia in rampant use in all perspectives infusing poisonous effects on the Delhiites, denizens of Delhi, most worst affected by the repertoire of deadly, poisonous pollution insidious all throughout in Delhi. Further, unstoppable pollution of all kinds all throughout the country in the garb of freehold progresses, infrastructure developments knowing no environmental protocol of any kind whatsoever. Thus, the moot + most urgent vital point now is: vikas or livable atmosphere completely free from all, all types of seen, unseen, direct, indirect pollutants in India, world's near-first largest populated country. What atmosphere do we want really in India?!? We in India immediately need to decide that rightaway without wasting any further most valuable time, crucial energy, vital health, precious loss of very existence, the very liability of it all itself in the most urgent, immediate manner...Thus, the most urgently the immediately required SOS for all --- Wake up, gear up, be overtly conscious of rational righteous living here in absolutely clean atmosphere, completely free from all vitiating phenomena, all types of pollutants, toxic atmospheres in all types of 100% pollution free atmosphere so that  all breathings therein are clean, toxic free enabling all living beings including the entire humanity to breathe clean, fresh air, be absolutely pollution free, smog free, poisonous smog free, avoidance of all types of pollutants et al that is, all elements responsible for polluting the very entity of the atmosphere which tenuously, easily, instantly, directly or even indirectly become pollution-afflicted causing macabre harm to all wrapping them up in to its noxious fold without any exception at all and that is blatantly irretrievably, relentlessly true like sun rise every morning 24×7×365.

The air pollution in Delhi is found to be the worst of any major city of the world. To digress / alleviate from it, immediately, SOS is being said to be immediately needed at all levels including the political levels of all sorts so that the politicians, major cause of spread of pollution all over including Delhi as they surreptitiously, openly, officially, ambiguously, indirectly continue to OK pollution-involving projects in exchange of mega-fat wads etc, you know what. The crisp multi-thick wads ensure stoppage of their mouths thus the babu's action as well. Of course, in many cases, the babus themselves are directly first hand involved in wrongfully clearing many pollution-ridden projects --- again in exchange of fat money, largesse et al --- but unofficially they confess that because their political bosses openly clear pollution-ridden noxious projects taking huge wads, why can't they do so. After all, it is their signatures are most crucial for the pollution ridden projects to be openly underway. Check the politicians and all ills relating to spread of relentless noxious pollution will be stopped not only in Delhi but in whole of India as well. Now since this is, as of now, not possible, noxious, macabre pollution will freely continue and "enjoy" killing people at random + physically affecting many seriously for generations to come as they are hereditary. The air pollution in Delhi is found to be the worst of any major city in the world. Most of the specialised units in the world including the multi-famed Health Effects Institute of the USA says so openly, blatantly. Regarding Delhi, they are clear as they say with authority that Delhi is single cause of the multiple, mega, omni pollution all throughout the country, step by step...And interestingly, Delhi is not only the capital of India but is officially, insidious-prone all throughout other states, state by state plus add the states' individual freewheeling pollution contribution from various aspects and the results are trepidation-filled. Its as if all the people in India are guinea pigs put in the damocle's sword --- change this with pollution --- to die or be butchered in one blow. In India, air pollution is estimated to kill around 45-50 million people every year. in Delhi alone, more than 10 million people die of air pollution every year. Further, India has the world's largest death rate from chronic respiratory diseases and asthma due to air pollution. Poor sir quality now has affected the lungs of more than 25 million people including 13.8 million+ children in the country. Out of them, more than 60% are in Delhi alone, believe it or not. The Supreme Court made a statement relating to it: "Delhi has become worse than narak (hell)." A honourary Justice remarked that it is "better to get explosives (and) kill every one." It may be mentioned here that during the COVID-19 pandemic in India, the air quality in Delhi significantly improved." 

Mentionably, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in Delhi generally falls far behind the  satisfactory (51-100), even moderate (101-200) ranges. The air pollution in Delhi is found to be the worst of any major city in the world...The US-based Health Effects Institute says the sir pollution in Delhi diva affects the surrounding districts of other states from there to elsewhere. In India, air pollution is estimated to kill around 5 million people every year. In Delhi alone, more than 2 million people die of air pollution every year. India has the world's largest death rate from chronic respiratory diseases and asthma due to air pollution. Poor air quality now has affected the lungs of more than 25 million people including 2.2 million plus children in the country. Out of them, more than 40% are in Delhi alone. The Supreme Court made a statement on pollution in Delhi saying "Delhi has become worse than narak (hell)." The Supreme Court Justice remarked that it is "better to get explosives (and) kill every one". 

It may be mentioned here that during the covid-19 pandemic lock down in India, the air quality in India improved. 

Mentionably, the air quality index (AQI) in Delhi generally falls within the satisfactory (51-100) and moderate (101-200) ranges between March and September and then dramatically deteriorates to poor (201-300), severe (301-400) or hazardous (401-500+) levels due to various factors including the burning of effigies, road dust, fire crackers, vehicles, thermal power plants in the Delhi, NCR cold weather. To put the matter of pollution is to The End for all times, sensitivity, concern, severe punishment, huge fines, feelings et al are must, surely, spontaneously without any second thought of any kind. 

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