New Delhi: Homegrown AI-based skilling and job platform HireMee on Tuesday collaborated with the Telangana government to assess and prepare 1.5 lakh students for jobs for new and emerging technologies.
Bengaluru-based job enablement platform tied up with the Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge (TASK) to assess the students’ quantitative and qualitative aptitude using its artificial intelligence (AI)-based well established proctored assessment.
The students of 1,50,000 students from 716 colleges registered on the TASK website can take HireMee’s ‘Link Diagnostic Analysis Test’ to calibrate employability skills free of cost.
“HireMee as an assessment partner of TASK offers placement preparation solutions to students to make them employable,” said Chocko Valliappa, Founder, HireMee.
The assessment report covers an objective evaluation of several skill-sets and core technical subject competencies.
“Candidates can also post three video ‘statement of purpose’ clips of 20-seconds each that cover “About Me”, “My Skills” and “Area of Interest” in the communication section.