Coal India Limited (CIL) Articulates Issues For R&D/Innovation

Coal India Limited (CIL) Articulates

Chandigarh (The Hawk): Department of Science & Technology (DST) sponsored Technology Enabling Centre (TEC) of Panjab University, Chandigarh organized interactive session with representatives of Coal India Limited (CIL) in Panjab University, Chandigarh on 30th May, 2023 so as to understand exact issues on which R&D is desired by CIL. Scientists from IIT Ropar, Panjab University, PEC Chandigarh, INST Mohali, Chitkara University etc participated in this session.Industry persons from Meta Tattva system limited, Gilard electronics Pvt Ltd, Cheema boilers, Sagar Machine Tools Ltd etc also participated in this event and discussed thrust areas suggested by executives from Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDIL). Er. R N Jha, Director (T/RD&T), CMPDILarticulaated thrust areas identified by CIL on which Industry and academic Institutes should work. He emphasized that India is the second largest coal producer in the world and still we are capable of mining only 5% underground coal. Therefore, academic professors and Industrialists should come forward to develop technologies under the Make in India theme to overcome challenges being faced by CIL. He further highlighted dependency of India on coal as around 75% electricity in India is generated from coal. Therefore, Er R N Jha opined that there is dire need that scientific minds of our Nation should develop technologies that can be of use to Coal India Limited. ErMilan Sen, Chief Manager (Mining), S&TDeptt at Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited in his address explainedthrust areas related to mining of coale.gtechnologyfor increase in production from underground mining as well as open cast Mining, Improvement of safety/health/environment,Waste to Wealth, Alternative use of coal and clean coal technologies, Coal beneficiation and utilization etc. He said that proposals may be formulated in line with the S&T Guidelines of Ministry of Coal,which are readily available in the website: He further added that the Ministry of coal, through CMPDIL, has invited start-ups/talented minds for a hackathon on R&D in coal mining sectors.

Prof. Manu Sharma, Director of CIIPP and coordinator of DST-TEC conducted a very enthralling interactive session amongst various Industrial delegates and Academic professors. Dr.Debabrata Das, Assistant Professor, Panjab University discussed his research contributions on a pioneering research project conducted in domain of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) and other critical elements in the North Eastern Coal Fields. He stated that Preliminary outcomes from his investigation indicate the existence of substantial reserves, with estimations projecting a potential yield surpassing 20,000 tons of rare earth, 12,000 tons of lithium, and 10,000 tons of rubidium. Dr JD Sharma, Head Metallurgy, PEC Chandigarh updated that the department is working in collaboration with Virginia Tech University US to use coal for development of Graphene. Department will be interested to participate in any pilot project based on Coal Blending or coal treatment for better efficiency of its combustion. He acknowledged all the support and efforts of TEC, PU to strengthen relation with Coal India limited. Mr J P Kundra from Cheema boilers shared R&D initiatives taken by Cheema boilers for production of Hydrogen by doing steam reforming of Methane. It was heartening to know that Cheema boilers is trying to produce valuable Carbon Nanotubes from Carbon Dioxide present in exhaust of boilers.

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