Hee Haw. With MAGA {Make America Great Again} In, High Time For MIGN [Make India Great(est) Now] with all out gusto, come what may knowing no resistance of any kind --- this the catch mantra from now on till Bharat / India attains more-than-equal-status on par with, to say the least, the USA --- its double digit economy is stupendously noteworthy --- and other duly recognised First World countries. The goal aptly should be MIGN in all earnestness from now on breaking, smashing, demolishing all kinds of barriers, obstacles of any yore, all round efforting with 100% earnestness to make India and all round First World country from all aspects keeping up to the truest most sincere spirit of MIGN so that the world watches India in utter awe, fully stupefied, stupendously wonder struck, flabbergasted while India's economy stride ahead consistently / persistently with an iota of not even a spectre of doubtful "stride ahead knowing no stoppage, obstacles whatsoever of any kind".
MIGN vis-a-vis India will be a reality in a very short time, as fully calculated by official statistics, facts, figures, data with no falsification of any kind whatsoever that be. Via MIGN, India that is Bharat, is analytically viewed as fully self sufficient in all sectors in its truest sense of 100% self-dependent and more, that is, India will be in a sure-shot position to help the needy in the truest sense of Universal Brotherhood mutually dependent on each other in truest sense of "love all, make no war". As for self-sufficiency of our country, all forms / strata of infra structures will "jam pack" India from its edges to edges leaving no gap of vaccum or empty space of any kind. This way, India will be most up-to-date keeping abreast with current trends in the whole world, sheer thanks to MIGN in all its conceivable, inconceivable perspectives that will not only be knocking at the doors of India but will make full fledged inroads here, become integral part and parcel of India, making it truly synonymous with "First World India --- 100% jokes apart --- With Toward-Double Digit Economy, may sound flimsy now but surely, asserted to be true in the nearest incoming years". Then MIGN will indeed be a stark reality for all to witness it openly, obviously, stupefied.