Why Otherwise Overtly All Round Rational, Equanimous, Sagacious, Non-Opposer posing Muthuvel Stalin Is Now Suddenly Obsessively, Singularly Hung On Tamil Older Than The Country's Official Oldest Language Sanskrit: Why only Tamil Nadu-confined, only Tamil Nadu-obsessed, only Tamil Nadu-concerned, only Tamil Nadu-social, only "Tamil Nadu, Tamil Nadu" rattling Muthuvel Stalin, undoubtedly ebullient, all-capable, rational, noble, rationale, sagacious, duly controversial, overtly popular all throughout Tamil Nadu, its gigantic 39 Lok Sabha constituencies --- one of the largest after the country's largest MP-seat comprising UP with 80 seats --- is continuously parroting on Tamil be accorded the official status of oldest language of India because Tamil is far older than the country's official oldest language Sanskrit. To prove his claim 100% foolproof right, he is pointing at the Tamil inscriptions on 5,300-year-old Indus Valley Civilisation. Not only that. Who ever actually proved it is Tamil inscriptions will be given US $ 10 Million by Stalin. This way, Stalin is evincing that Tamil is older than / far elder to the country's official oldest language Sanskrit. So in view of this startling newest Stalin-discovery, Stalin wants India's oldest language be Tamil and not. Sanskrit. A stigma or a new imbroglio or a new predicament or a new quiz or a new jigsaw Puzzle by Stalin, seriously wonder many in utter dismay, alert amazement. Whole they are looking for an amicable way out from such quixotic scenario, they seriously wonder, why Stalin now is badgering on this issue, to attain, achieve what? Politically what does he want to achieve? If he is inherently really so very hung on Tamil as the country's oldest language, older than Sanskrit, what was he doing for so many decades? Why was he silent then on such crucial issue? Why did he then silently accept Sanskrit as the official language of India? Why is he now tom-toming an issue that today has "balkanisation, separatist, divisive" tendencies vis-a-vis India as even any very semblance of prominence to his claim will only lead to sheer separatist stors in the country having far reaching, unstoppable balkanisation effects per se in the country. Does the current Tamil issue aiming for that is the moot question. Point is, why raise this issue now and be doggedly persistent, obstinately insistent on it for its immediate acceptance plus implementation in the country? Is it not untimely? What is its necessity, that too, persistently with doggedness, now? Or, is Stalin hung on Tamil as oldest language of India to prove Tamil being the oldest language of India, a Tamilian should administer India as its PM and not a northerner not the latter should dare keep a Tamilian at bay dismissing him as a Deccan-er, back bencher as now. Blah, blah...So on and so forth. But in either case, the cardinal point is, why raise all this now? Why 'unsettle' a 'balance, equilibrium now' when the country is passing through a global uncertainty, known to all. Is it really justified?!? Only Stalin can answer that, say officials, totally wonderstruck.