Why Modi Bowls All?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Why Narendra Modi Bowls All? Answer: He is 2024's Mahatma Gandhi incarnated also apart from his being an all round, all strata leader personified, according to numerous many, reincarnated. Reasons for such assured claims: Revealing, unthinkable to other persona. Reasons: they have never known such a (working) neta for all purpose, from correcting the world order to looking astutely at the world's largest democracy 24×7×365 correctly without any flaw of any kind whatsoever. No wonder, Modi obviously resembles true tailor-made all purpose, all level leader with a 'gigantic future' at least till 2047, 100th year of India's independence. International leaders are in utmost consensus that Modi is for world, of world, by world. At the same time, he is out and out Indian in every sense of the term. Thus, he is looked at saviour for all time, suitable for all places in the globe as also, the space on which he is evincing his involvement ever expected by any one. Whence he shows that he has a free hand as he enjoys the people's support, confidence, dependence on him completely, he naturally ensures reciprocating to that exactly by exerting himself fully in living up to their expectations from him. He ensures, he makes them feel, they are in all round upward development syndrome without any ado or discrimination of any kind. This makes them buoyant, exuberant, exhilarating, increasing their trust by manifold; in return, Modi is not complacent --- though he has right to be complacent because of his all round satisfying performances --- but yes, he is further forward-moving to accomplish more feat --- unique precedence being set by him. And wer to Why Modi Bowls All?

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