Time for TATA Empire to crumble: May be too early to say this but all definite indications have begun pointing to that.The newest on it is, there is a silent revolt brewing in the Tata Empire C/o TATA Sons surrounding Noel Tata. His loyalists, already numbering many, are up in arms against those against Noel Tata to speak plain. It is as yet not known what's the reason or reasons for such squabbles, lobbying, differences, growing groupism, disunity et al amid the so far 100% solidly united single unit called Tata Sons worth Rs 8.1 lakh crore. Immediate provocation for sparking of newest turbulence, differences amid the Tata Sons inside relate to Noel Tata, his gratuitous infusion of his daughters Maya Tata, Leah Tata as Directors of Tata Brothers without consent of other Tata Brothers directors and others in the Tata Sons. And in other Tata organisations. Noel Tata predictably remains indifferent. He is after all the newest boss of Tata Sons, Tata Brothers etc thus, he is not answerable to any one...After all, he is the "owner". This has but never happened in Tata ever. The revolt thus against it is obvious. And its brewing. Strong rumours in Bombay House housing Tata Brothers, Tata Sons now percolate, refer to definite split in meticulous Tata set up. Many's decades old dream for this seems to be coming true at last should the rumours have any semblance of even an iota of truth. Time Thus For Mammoth Tata Empire To Crumble?!?