Time For Deregulation Commission For Smooth Businesses Amid India And Other Countries: Its apt time for deregulation in "samoocha Bharat", its all productions, goods, commerce, export-import, interference in prices, productions, biz...end the government's control per se in every way possible from all aspects, all productions, all checks, all vigilance, all interference and the like; the moment it happens in reality --- serious efforts towards that are being zeroed in on currently, according to all definite indications pointing at that --- it is obvious that the government instead of wasting its valuable time on "trivial consumerism of all types at piddly levels howsoever big they are claimed to be" may well fully concentrate on 100% deregulation, divert its valuable energy, national and respective state exchequers' (accountable, extremely valuable) monies on the country's all kinds of infrastructure development in all levels --- up to the hamlet levels what to talk of only urban, semi-urban, semi-rural, rural, mufassil etc levels --- so that the country in all its levels resembles / synonymous with resembles developed in all aspects, all levels, every where in the country without any iota of reservation of any kind whatsoever. Once this happens, Bharat naturally will be assuredly synonymous with not only every thing adhering to "today and far beyond" but "fully constructive matching today's all pervasive global trend every where in the world. Yes, it is glaringly true that deregulation in one go will not be possible because of Bharat's gigantic size, the country's "almost infinite rules and regulations", "numerous opinions, most of them clashing with each other", "incongruous regulations", "anachronous acts, their inconsequential --- in view of today's cut throat commercial styles --- fall outs leading to sheer wastage of valuable time even monies" etc. To congenially wriggle out of such controversies --- whether or not deregulation is required in this country --- deregulation commision is justly being decided on so that there is all kinds of balance in the opinions / observations / inferences / conclusions / actions remain through and through without any bias of any kind whatsoever from all angles. Thus, no complaint, no grouse, no grumbling, no grunting...sanity persist through and through. The USA has been grunting that in case of the USA, India's tariff is too steep, high, unjustified. The tariff should be "drastically reduced" for "better, easy, smooth businesses between USA and India that is Bharat" But India is not prepared to "condescend" in any way thus keeping the USA remain in tenterhooks of being totally disparaged as considered by the USA itself. But the latter --- perhaps for the first time --- is helpless as India is pertinent, hellbent on the "stiff, high" tariffs it has imposed on the USA". The intensity of it is so serious that even the otherwise "usually indifferent" American President Donald Trump openly fumed, fretted, frowned many a time criticising India's high tariffs on American goods being exported to India. When India refused to heed to him, Trump imposed real high tariffs on Indian goods for obvious reasons of scaring India. But that has not happened at all. India is determinedly transfixed on its stand on American goods and the tariffs on them. For India, the status quo of officially imposed tariff on USA goods remain intact. What does it prove / evince? India has its determinedly fixed stand and it sticks to its stand, USA or no USA. But yes, its indeed time for Deregulation Commission for acceptable tariffs duly, officially decided.