Stop Shirking Stimulus: For "all round matching --- even, overtaking, bypassing ---top of world every possible growth" assuredly Stop Shirking Stimulus implying do not desist from far reaching activity, development, interest (to do more, achieve more knowing no bound whatsoever) to effortlessly facilitate India easily achieve one after another globe-matching milestones in all known / unknown sectors and possibly, even surpass them all, thanks to India's repeatedly proven stupendous capabilities, abilities, prowess, contrivance, perfection, immaculate execution of all A-to-Z planned / unplanned / even haphazard / helter-skelter schemes "to do elements of all types in all fields". And, they all matching global standards and in many cases even easily surpassing them conveniently thereby easily proving / evincing that India / Bharat is easily / effortlessly all round capable to achieve the most "difficult" with alarming ease, what to talk about only 1st World or "so called more / most all round capable" Advanced countries. From today's India, its all round deliveries of all "goods" only clearly show that this is the real India. If only this India was propped, promoted, propitiated, pestered, promoted, patronised et al the same way then, India by now surely would be a 1st World to aptly say least.
As it is, according to current data, figures, statistics, India already is partaking of major participation of manufacturing all products including say, latest, much-ahead-of-time satellites, space stuff etc what to talk of other stuffs; all of them are being gleefully lapped up by even the most so-called advanced countries as they unabashedly admit that their products are not up to the standard compared to those made in India...Those made in India are simply 100% perfect in all respects, aspects. Thus, they are not only unbeatable but unmatchable, unsurpassable. This, fully agreed on, consented by the world watchers --- they include most prominent ones apart from the firmly established global leaders rising above party politics --- in utmost consensus without any slightest suspicion, leave alone any kind of jeering, caricature or disparagement of all kinds. It thus is firmly established that India always had the correctly required all round potential, every needed ability to ride on top of the world but it was not allowed to do so whatever be the facade behind it but now that the same India is being boosted, boasted, fully encouraged to "Make In India", India is not only fully excelling in its all round accomplishments but easily overtaking all the competitors / challengers without slightest wastage of time. Thus, in view of all these and for more advancements of Bharat in all fields, Stop Shirking Stimulus always. Do not deter from it. Once this inherently adopted, full fledged applied 24×7 in Bharat, a new India is bound to take place as now when all people of the country are overtly active to spontaneously evince their, should one put it as multi-talent/s mighty useful / relevant for India taking it to high levels of credentials with utmost credibility / credulousness. Obvious uses of Stop Shirking Stimulus.