Slither, Swivel, Sift, Stimulai, Sweep...Swamp, Stump, Slouch, Swoosh...Skunk, Slug, Staggering, Slugfest, Slush, Skimpish, Skirmish, Swagger, Scintillating par excellence as one begins to mega-think on how come our country's governance meaning the very administration is regularly 'delivering' 24×7×365 all that mega gigantic required from it. Okay, the deliverance may not be 100% but the fact that the administration in all levels up to the micro level is delivering, serving the people of all hues without any discrimination, discrepancy, dislodging, dissemination, dislodging, dissatisfaction, dysfunction, disparaging are in itself is a mouthful of wow. It surely deserves broad hearted kudos, praises, adulations aplenty without a slightest bias of any kind. In other words, display fundamental large heartedness, "measure your own worthiness" and then judge the elephantine array of mountainous works the administration in Bharat is subjected to do all throughout the year serving all with equal verve, spirit, enthusiasm, speed...Let's be clear on this without any slightest bias before progressing any further on the above issue of how come the administration in Bharat is doing what it is required to do at a time when the citizens of the country by and large --- not counting the mega micro meagre exceptions --- are slouched in to their own respective cocoons leaving A to Z on administration caring two hoots for their responsibilities towards the places they stay in, societies they live in, the clans they belong to, their alma mater, even their kith and kin etc, etc: The straight answer to that is, none whatsoever. By and large, to say most modestly. Here moot point is, why not this otherwise? Answer: Its for the administration to take care of that, why the citizens? Big deal, that, so to say.
If the administration too displays their copybook style of functioning then, most modestly put, more than three-fourth of the country will country will be bereft of all administrative facilities simply because as it is, the administration with its extremely limited man power are doing multi / mega more than officially required from / of them. Leave aside their "genuine grievances", yes, they are Babu paid by the people via the exchequer but does that mean that they be not listened at all about their genuine grievances, submissions or should they be continued to be treated as subservient subordinates service to only orders of the Victorian era? No, naturally not. Their submissions sure need to be needed to and taken care of for smooth functioning of the administration. Only when does that happen, the much maligned prasashan will function in utmost order, regularity, rational cycle leaving no scope of any grievances from the bureaucrats / administration. Simultaneously, this is also true that the "sarkari mulazim" will also be in tighter rope with their no scope of skipping their responsibilities unlike now when frequently, they skip even most vital works on flimsiest pretext or the other. Result of it: loss of man days, loss of deadline, loss of work, loss to exchequer's finance...loss to the very country for sure. What then?!? Well, Your guess is as good as any one else's, to put succinctly.
But, if the country on the face of it resembles grossly all round under developed piece of mere land with haphazard, unplanned, helter-skelter growth, it is because of lack of adequate man power, excessive unchecked reckless population, loose application of rules and regulations, looseness in disciplines, lack of national spirits, dereliction of duties towards Bharat, its ascendance...All these when fully seriously taken care of by the citizens, none, no bureaucracy can keep any work pending simply because the bureaucracy will be scared of the wrath of the people unlike now when they are with upper hand on the masses of the country because of reasons listed above. These reasons need to be eliminated first to make the administration be accountable for its lapses thus duly answerable to the people of all hues. It will be truly interesting then, to put curtly but aptly. Surely, worthwhile, truly put...Slither, Swivel, Sift, Sweep...