SOS: Pro-Environment By All, For All, Of All, No, Not Even Slightest, Not Even A Minutest Iota Of Slackness In That As Clean, Pollution-free, {All Types Of} Dirt-Free, 24×7×365, That Is, Always, All The Time, Must For Us All The Time All Throughout 24 Hours in a date. And that should be applicable all the time, all occassions, all times every day all through 24 hours. This is because "more the clean atmosphere, more the fresh air, least pollution, healthy breathing, healthy living, longer life span, least diseases, pollution-free thoughts, constructive workings, positive contrivance, their applications in practice, helpful to one's immediate neighbourhood, clan, society, spreading to bigger, wider areas stretching up to national level and even, international levels, all of which naturally give rise to "positive citizens with no pollution of any kind in them". Once that happens / takes place, naturally, its "good effects" will automatically be on "Vishwa Brahmanda" turning it in to an amicable, convivial place to be in. With that, the current differences, ego war, opinion differences, strong words, show off, all kinds of superciliousness, abuses, bad words, wrong displays, the very war, war-like situations, egocentrism etc that now always threaten of lurking all pervasive dangers threatening to commencement of, say, a World War, straightaway will naturally / automatically vanish. Living congenially then will be uppermost priority throwing aside all kinds of differences, egoism, show off et al. But, the fact behind all this dream entity to happen is the real requirement of a clean world, absolutely free from all kinds of conceivable, seen, unseen, possible, impossible, finite, plausible, even imaginative pollutions. In other words, straightaway, a clean space for all, by all, of all, come what may. Only when an absolutely clean space from hamlet to world level is created, the surroundings all throught will be automatically soothing to all, livable for all, helping them come out with constructive, interesting thoughts, duties, priorities, functions, choices, independent existence but partaking of one another's needs all the time. Its then that Pro-Environment Welfare By All will become a stark reality and that will surely tantamount to all round welfare for all.