One Nation, One Caste; One Bharat, One Caste

One Nation One Caste in India

One Nation, One Caste; One Bharat, One Caste: Fully Justifiable, Fully Rational, Fully Workable, Fully Functional, Fully Practical, Fully Useful, Fully Useful, Fully Justified, Fully Ratified, Fully Inter Mingling With Bharat, the world's largest functional democracy, second, if not yet first (already the most populated country in the world, according to the United Nations), largest population in the whole world. Under the circumstances, it is only most immediately, most urgently imperative that 100% one-ness is immediately necessary needed amid the people of Bharat for Bharat to "go ahead, stride ahead, to progress sans "destructive, divisive, anti, spoiling, disturbing, violence-prone, squabbles-prone, intensely dividing endless, meaningless, justification-less, directionless, aimless caste, sub-caste divisions that if all only inherently play the role of all types of Bharatiya society / samaj spoiler 24×7×365 freehold without any check whatsoever. The entire benefits of it all are enjoyed by anti-Bharat entities who always are principally bent upon seeing Bharat all round progress-less being immersed in Bharat divisive caste divisions thus waste of time without affording any time to the very all round progresses of the country.

But why so? Why "they" are after Bharat, its otherwise stupendously rising progresses even, say, touching moon? Soon to reach at even Sun! Answer: Plain jealousy. And to put it bluntly, that needs to be crushed in one stroke. That is only possible when the whole Bharat is one Bharatiya minus any caste with its only caste being Bharatiya, its creed: Bharatiya, its credo: Bharatiya, its ego: Bharatiya, its Bharatiya choice/s, its all, everything Bharatiya...Bharatiyata all over...That is why, only Bharat, only Bharatiyata...That is why make in Bharat, so that Bharatiyata always 24×7×365×always without single fail with not even an iota of exception in it. And, the moment Bharatiyata solidly creeps with utmost forceful force in to Samagra Bharatiyata all the time, all impediments --- of now --- therein dismissed with utter contempt, disregard, hatred to make it anachronous, incongruous for all the time. But that will be possible only when it will be One Nation, One Caste; One Bharat, One Bharatiyata, One Caste, Sub-Caste, no singling in it nor any difference in it, all Bharatiya same, all Bharatiya-jaatee equal with no "non-same" (new word, out of circumstantial duress) jaate or jaateevad per se.

No sooner than the "acutely divisive jaateevad (root cause of all non-progresses in Bharat)" ends in Bharat, all Bharatiya unitedly immediately are being assuredly seen inter mingling with each other in "the much needed oneness" thereby partaking of in Nation Building that is Bharat in all its perspectives from its top to bottom to reach at top surely far, far ahead of the very USA, to put correctly. Yes, the very USA now admits that India or Bharat has much, much more than immense all round spontaneous, immense, abundant potentials to bypass the most advanced of advanced nations to easily stride on top but yes, provided, Bharat is one Bharat where all country-people are Bharatiya with one social identity sans innumerable caste, creed, credo, near-infinite social identities, countless social customs, sea like vast rules, regulations, perspectives, precipitations...Here too, there are now strong rumblings of the above feelings are determinedly creeping in all sectors of the populace of the country day in and day out. The masses of all hues in the country do assuredly realise in this country or this country as such believes to rise on top of world due to India's abundant natural potential, the caste factor not only immediately has to be zero but out-and-out negative, come what may. ...The positive effects of these are visible in many societies of the country wherein, peoples are openly intermingling in all senses with each other, actively making themselves integral part of new Bharat/India that is casteless in the true mould of the most immediately wanted One Bharat, One Caste:Bharatiya. To achieve it 100%, the count down for it now indeed has begun. Near-time to say, One Nation: Bharat, One Caste: Bharatiya, One Sanskriti: Bharatiyata. 

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