One Bharat, One Election...Possible?!? No Way Seemingly Because Of Countrywide Justifiably, Intense Upheaval, Uproar, Upstaging It With All Force And Might And Power At Command. Its as if all hell breaking loose putting the very country India, presumably, the world's largest populated country thus largest democracy that too, uniquely 24×7×365 working, alive democracy without any fail, absence, abstinence in to quixotic paradox. In this near-all-consensus scenario, there is serious wondering how a single election tackling from hamlets, villages, panchayats, districts, cities, mufassils, towns, urban areas et al to state, national levels be possible in one go. No way, it will be unless the actual intentions are to declare fake results simultaneously, make big farce, mockery, comic of the very election under the official garb of "free and fair" election complying with One India, One Election which is just not possible simply because of the very gigantic requirement of thousands of poll officials, where will they come from. Its impossible to arrange them, unanimously assert poll office insiders all throughout the country. Then, what about the burgeoning finances needed for conducting such mammoth elections in so many levels...Simply unthinkable, unfathomable to put bluntly. Further, how does it matter differently if the present practices of different polls are held when required as per official schedules. Of course, there are gigantic concern about tremendous expense of money thus loss of monetary exchequer if elections are held frequently. Instead, if a single election comprising all level elections are held simultaneously, expenses will be far lesser thus beneficial for the monetary exchequer. That is an angle... But what about the need for mid elections due to various reasons? One election means, once in five years. Thus, no election during the ongoing five years. Which tantamounts to do many seats in so many levels will remain vacant this how will be the required quorum filled in cases of official decisions according to the official rules. Hence, the decisions will be put off. The matters held on. Their Ill effects will be obviously on the developments of the concerned areas. Hence, they will be left behind. And if the conventional practises pervasive are taken in to active account then those unfulfilled / incomplete tasks will be hardly completed as is all pervasive in this country in all levels. Resultwise, "backwardness" as is writ large all throughout India, in its all levels...On the contrary, if elections are held as per their scheduled requirements, the quorum remains complete thus all government works are liable to be completed; it will be more so considering the administrations are far more stricter than ever before plus the people more alert, far more demanding, far more wanting etc. This factor thus taken in to account, it is only natural that one election for all levels in this gigantic country is not feasible, not, possible. Compulsory one election perhaps will mean gagging fundamental right of exercising one's franchise when required. How can there be no mid term election when there are clear vacancies. After all, the vacancies need be filled for completion of required quorum plus the concerned people's needs-fulfilments. It is thus must that elections be held here whenever officially scheduled not stacked in to one...If that done, the very independent democracy, its essence will be in peril. Will that be accepted? Perhaps, no, not at all. Thus, how One India, One Election be acceptable?