Once Again, Firmly, Viva Indian Democracy

Voting Begins for Delhi Assembly Elections

Delhi Assembly Elections Are Over Assuredly, Unobtrusively, Effortlessly, Smoothly, Ceaselessly Over HassleFree Defying All Obtrusion, Rumours, Murmurs, Anti-India, Anti-Democracy Jugglery, Manipulations, Manouvrings, Malice, Malign, Misrepresentations, Misgivings, Miscalculations, Murmurs, Magic-prone Talks, Mismanagement...Hee Haw --- Once Again, Firmly, Assuredly Evinced, Factually Proved Viva Indian Democracy --- for it, by it, of it --- As In The Last 5,000+ Years. The Delhi electorate of 70 MLA seats of Delhi Assembly not only fully dedicatedly, devotionally, dutifully respectively cast their votes whoever they wished for without any impediments of any kind whatsoever sans even an iota of any kind of any sort of political influence, political clout, political string pulling, political malafide objectives, political jugglery, political lies, political jargon, political rumours, political lies, political misguide, political riff-raff, political Scuttlebutt, political b--- s--- / b--- c--- of all known / unknown kinds + known or unknown  extrovertish, introvertish, ambivertish elements, et al.

The successful completion of Delhi Assembly Elections at a time when malcampaigning has been aplenty, canards flew all over, fisticuff of course no-no, allegations of diabolic kinds freely levelled, charges of rampant, open misappropriation of state exchequer, "official" corruption", "nearly emptying state exchequer" but filling --- rather, illegally stacking --- own individual coffers openly but clandestinely by cheating the "gullible" people of Delhi, indulging in alleged defalcations left and right without slightest repentance, conscience, second thought, botheration, unhindered scruples, unscrupulous misappropriations amid "solid defence" to maintain good image, credible bio-data, credulous viscera amid the Delhiites but lo and behold, the overt intelligent, omniscient, omnipotent Delhiites of almost all hues not only threw aside all their painstaking enervating efforts but outrightly rejected them that will be evident after the poll results will officially enumerate for all to see totally stupefied, surprised, zapped, even, shocked. Delhiites want stable, hassle-free, peaceful, uniform, secular, consistent Delhi without any hassle of any kind particularly those kind raised by the parties to sort out their own hassles, hazards, jingoism, quizzes etc and vis these, they create varieties of most complicated social problems for the Delhiites who are unfamiliar to such predicaments as they have never happened in Delhi nor are ever known to the Delhi-votes of all kinds, come what may. They this time have voted for "Delhi of earlier times" immune to last few decades' Delhi, variedly turbulent, complicated, mysterious, rumour-loving, tumultuous, quizzical, foul mouthed, revengeful, aimless, violent, reactionary, abusive, awful, obnoxious, awkward, weird, unobjective, quixotic,  amorous, puzzling, camouflaged...Its this Delhi now that has been presumably discarded by the Delhi-electorate this time. They have opted for 'X' that is for all round Delhi, by all round Delhi, of all round Delhi and its all round Delhiites of all hues...Kudos this aplenty...Once Again, Viva Indian Democracy. 

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