New Mass Industry, Tulip, As Instant Cash Crop

India’s Tulip Industry Emerges as a Thriving Cash Crop with Global Export Potential
India's tulip industry

New All Level Omni Mass Industry, Tulip As Instant Cash Crop: Better Late Than Never goes the age-old saying and how true it is like the Sun Rises Every Morning, Sets In The Evening On A Daily Strict Routine Basis Without Even A Semblance Of Any Fail Whatsoever. And no exception of any kind in it, come what may. Tulips in India that is Bharat are flooded with its about 3000 varieties --- till now, tulips were not known at all in India leave alone, it becoming mass production appropriate for mass export; ironically, tulips were synonymous with Switzerland; now it is more than synonymous with India being a kind of cottage industry here; And the revenues accrued from it: easiest potential of at least US $ 2-3 Tns to say the least. Each cup-sized tulip bulb depending on its color (all colors in it are natural, not tampered at all; they literally, instantly remind one of heaven, swarg, galaxy, moon-land, fairy land and the like) costs anything from a US $ 50 to 300. Unimaginable really in India, really, unbelievable too, to say the least...Its like farthest dream come true from heaven / swarg) is priced US $ 60-300 or even a US $ 1,000 or so. And imagine, India flooded with tulips of more than 3,000 colours flooded all throught the country, its cities, semi-urban, ultra-urban, urban, districts, towns,  mega-rural, ultra-rural, omni-rural, villages, hamlets, etc. what a gigantic instant cash crop industry = tulip. In the true mould of Tulip hai har Bharatiya ghar ka noton se bharne ka daastan to be in the ensuing days. Most ironical aspect of tulip-cultivation: 0 investment in maintenance, profit: around 100,000%. The tulip buds are almost being given free by the authorities in local level. They hardly need any cultivation...Just praise, appreciate them, their heavenly beauties to the hilt, a unique reality truly. Uniquely, tulips grown in India sent abroad will instantly help India fatten its exchequer by manifold in what is being already termed as "all round parvenu" for India monetary wise, diplomacy wise, foreign relations wise, conviviality wise, congeniality wise, (mega)leadership wise, all round ascendance wise, leadership wise, the very multiple existence wise...A truly unique cash crop for India: Tulip. New Mass Industry, Tulip, As Instant Cash Crop, Thus, Global Hit.

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