New Economy Of India: Camel Economy

Exploring India's Camel Economy: A Hidden Source of Massive Economic Growth and Global Impact
Camel Economy

STOP PRESS: New Economy Of India: Camel Economy with 100% Assured Global Potential + Mammoth Revenues that should have otherwise firmly persisted in this country since independence of this country from the British who during their regime sincerely made this country camel economy flourishing prone but after their exit, parvenu-encompassing camel economy dwarfed, finally abolished. Ironically, the Britishers' maladies, malevolent, maleficent influences that were not in favour of this country were not only adopted, adapted but inherited for generations after generations holding the British-influences as "gospel truth, nothing less". Now, not erelong that is, it is being steadily realised that reject the Britishers' malevolent influences, and, adopt / adapt to their benevolent, beneficent influences for "best living" like inherently adopting the camel milk etc, all +Ve, relevant related to the camel, ship of the desert freely available in Rajasthan surely. Relevantly, if the camels are thoroughly adopted, all round adapted to all level multifarious grih udyog then all round bred all throughout the country, desert or no desert in an area, naturally, camels will be instant mega cash spinner not only for their respective owners but for the country's whole exchequer, to put aptly in right perspective in all its dimensions worth the Camel Economy that in the country all the more-than-adequate potential to make mega trillions' niche for itself for sure. Even modest calculations on Camel Economy in India definitely suggest that it is not only instant-flourishing but continuously cash-involving --- A truly new economy of India. ...Bikaner-based National Research Centre For Animals --- unique unit so far "hidden" not in limelight though many years ago itself, this organisation could have lent mammoth participation to the country's economy-growth via camel economy; its earnest please to that effect then were put off, thanks to "lethargic" system all pervasive in the country recalcitrant to adopt anything new howsoever cash-rich that be --- then repeatedly pleaded with the seniors / system to accord 100% prominence to the camel economy that was an automatic money-spinner, so "hugely useful" to the country's economic growth. Also, export-wise, camel-stuff would be so hugely profiteering as only India has camels apart from West Asia, Africa, Australia. Amid them, India has maximum camel population thus more relevant revenues wise. And add to that, rampant camel farming all throughout the country, the herculean revenues via them can well be imagined provided the vision is in correct perspective in the sense, revenue being uppermost thereby fattening of the national exchequer. Most relevantly, interestingly, among the three continents' camels, the Rajasthan-camels are tastiest in all respects thus are in maximum demand all throughout the world including the USA, UK etc. Thereby are just too many utilities of camel which now are being contemplated on. Reaching at their practical uses, India can easily swelling its revenue exchequer by multi fold. Further, if the camel farming becomes resoundingly successful in most parts of the country, as is being seriously anticipated now, then, multiple revenues for our national kitty within a short time per se. Thus, New Economy Of India: Camel Economy. 

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