Lok Kalyan Marg, 12 Acres, Divya 'Punya' now in all respects unlike ever before --- from 1985 to 2014 --- it when 8 Prime Ministers stayed therein, could not complete their full five years' term or were slurred beyond all descriptions or were charged with hectic corruption or were criticised for non-functioning, utter ineffectiveness. Their only contribution being "signing on attendance registers, so to say", but, the country Bharat did not progress at all in their PM tenures, rather, the country went down in all aspects leaving the people dumbfounded, dumb, dumbo, dude, dud...India not only lost all its glitterati but the very sheen as well due to the country's downward trends in all aspects, a pathetic condition of India. Here arises the point, why so? Why all PMs who stayed here were openly slurred / condemned / accused / disparaged etc beyond any description, so to say. Why they were victims of gross malcampaign, malice, malign? To add to their woe, none of the charges against them were ever proved even a wee bit. Yet, they were fully defamed, down graded, fully condemned, ousted. Why? Well, research many and infer that they never heeded to open gambling via horse racing going on next door to them at Race Course Road, less than a stone's throw distance away from them.
Now how gambling and administration of Bharat be side by side that too in Bharat itself?!? That too, all this in very capital of the country Delhi, and as if this not enough, in the very next door of the PM House?!? Appalling it was, point out many. The reverse / ill effects of these maladies fell on them, they then naturally could not complete their tenures without severe slur. They fell prey to that all. Currently of course, its reverse. The Race Course carries on. The PM continues to stay therein but without any ill effect, malice, malcampaign. Because he is shudh, swach, swabhimani, swayamsiddha, swanirbhar, suchcha, sunischit...Also, he is extremely cautious. He surely is setting a new precedence in the annals of staying in Race Course Road by changing its name itself: Lok Kalyan Marg. It is for all, by all, of all, for all round welfare of all residents of the country per se. Naturally, this, only good effects are being inculcated from the Race Course while it goes on unabated with its decades on practices unable to "harm" the current denizens thronging the "VVIP Race Course Road". Its positive effects are clearly visible in the current all round ascendance of the country in all aspects. Lok Kalyan Marg this is evincing good omen, see majority. The claim has many multi-faceted aspects of righteousness from ground realities to top crest welfare, boosting phenomena, altruistic, developing phenomena, scientific innovations with global appeal, technological marvels, discoveries, unique accomplishments, new spirit, international standards, etc, etc.
It is for the first time in Lok Kalyan Marg or in its earlier avatar Race Course Road then engrossed in horse-racing now practical inspiration to "development by all, for all, of all". Thus, successful accomplishment of "Lok Kalyan" by finally incharge of Lok Kalyan Marg turning it for masses of all hues, of masses of all hues, by masses of all hues all throughout the country so that come what may, the masses of all hues in the country are equally treated all the time 24×7×365 without any hassle whatsoever. That they are proud Bharatiya will be elucidated by them every moment in what will then be surely a new all round Bharat setting new precedence in the midst of all kinds of "observant" but "fully stupefied" countries of the world especially those who think very lowly of Bharat, its so far "shabby", "slovenly", "silly" penurious, punctilious, parsimonious looks, state of affairs. But from now on, thanks to name change of Race Course to Lok Kalyan, the stark difference is crystal clear: No more Race Course's rampant horse racing, gambling but instead, new nomenclature with new name Lok Kalyan emitting / exuding only people / mass oriented confidence of 100% determination of rising to the top of the "advancement ladder" of the world effortlessly. The 12 acres of Lok Kalyan Marg is doubtlessly calculated to be a new all round resounding prosperous, glimmering boon for Bharat in all respects / aspects / perspectives / glimpses even, inventions to be right on top of the world. After all, the 12 acres of Lok Kalyan Marg are 'Purna' Punya now.