Kartavya Path Should Be 100% Benevolent, It Should Serve "All Bharatiya" With Equal Verve, Tempo, Spirit so that all Indians of all hues equally rise above the occassion for the all round "upliftment" sake of Sampoorna Bharat making it all round, all time self-reliant, self-sufficient, self-dependent, self-regulating without slightest necessity to look for even an iota of rescue / revival / revamp / reformation / refurbishment / resuscitation of any kind whatsoever from any "import" from outside the country. This should be the most primary duty of the Kartavya Path, earlier named as "majestic Raj Path" that if all, till its recent official name change, only kept the people of the country in a way or the other tacitly, by force, behave as second fiddle to the British holding them in high esteem even though they ruled on us for centuries, keeping us under their batons as their slaves. They ruthlessly ordered us, made us totally subservient that then we were, we meekly listened to them in toto without questioning them a basic "why". We dared not do so that is ask a mere 'why', in fact, after all, we were "slaves" to the British then, they then were rulers of India, us. We were C/o them, then, not, we, on our own + India then was not by us, of us, for us, but, for / of / by British.
They naturally rebuilt India the way they liked, India Gate being one of them. But why continued with it from 1947 till recently is the moot question. Why continued with the British-given name of the road on which India Gate is situated: Raj Path? Why Raj Path, constantly reminiscent of "shameful" British legacy, British Royalty, British superiority, British authoritativeness, British monopoly, British exploitation, British insults, British regularly addressing us as niggers, British disparaging us all the time, 24×7? To free us all from such manifold insults, harassments, pusillanimity, continuous disparagements, abuses, harangue, harakiri, fisticuff, insults, catastrophe, abusive parlance, altercations, invectives, disparagements, puny comments, clobbering, beatings etc, et al, for all times, the end of all that's legacy --- simultaneously, end of those who still silently / tacitly relish it --- once and for all. The road now in new avatar by the name of Kartavya Path reaching up to the Rashtrapati Bhavan from Bharat Mata Dwar (finished-India Gate) with both's connecting road being Kartavya Path for all Bharatiya, by all Bharatiya, of all Bharatiya per se with no exclusion, no exception. Every Bharatiya will be inspired then required to comply with all kartavya fully dedicated to Bharat for its all round upliftment, rise to the fullest crescendo. ...Kartavya Path then will serve all Bharatiya with equally verve, tempo for the sole purpose of all round upliftment of Bharat. It will then truly look like Kartavya Path for all Bharatiya, of all Bharatiya, by all Bharatiya. The long pending demand for Bharatiya 'Bharat Banao' will then be a true reality; then, that Bharat --- its effects already are in progress all through the country as many, many are openly experiencing --- will be a new Bharat, all set to triumph over many of even so-called advanced nations, much of whom already are on knees in front of Bharat to resuscitate them for maintenance of their very status...Then the Kartavya Path Should Serve All Bharatiya will truly become lit, glitterati.