Jaatiwad / Casteism Passe? You bet, it is already. How come? For all, all castes, known, lesser known, unknown, present MahaKumbha Snan...Centuries' bane --- not, boon, mind you --- casteism that in more than many / mega / multi ways negated, jeopardised, obstinated, obstructed, abstinated, spoilt, simulated, smashed, destructed etc many sure shot "+" phenomena of this country resulting in to all round backwardness of this country today and that is not only an eyesore but condemnable from all sides with no exception of any kind whatsoever, be what they. Thanks to the 100% determined "powers that are", all known, unknown shackles of forbidden-ness have been consciously chucked off so that all people freely, willingly, spontaneously partake of in the Shahi Snan of the MahaKumbh and vie for attaining Moksha, the ultimate salvation amid the Hindus. A truly unique phenomenon this in India / Bharat that so far has been severely fraught with "malevolent, maleficent, malediction-filled" caste conflicts which more than often turn into bloody clashes, even, macabre. Its then becomes evident that caste prevalence in Bharat is if all is sheer curse for it and it should be shunned under all circumstances even before it is even thought of or remotely imagined, visualised.
Further, every individual propagating caste as a main issue should be ostracised forthwith. Let the societies themselves take care of all. That way, there will be no discrimination, partialty, discretion, selective choices, choicest preferences, all castes then will be same, humanity will be uppermost then...All round benefits should be equal for all...This way, the benefits will be for the country Bharat as such as it will be sans all kinds of discriminations, rejections, exceptions, selective choices, fixed preferences on basis of liked-castes / sub-castes as then, all castes etc are same tantamount to a unique sociology in India that then will be for all Indians, of all Indians, By All Indians on 100% equal footing 24Ă—7Ă—365...for all times to come thereafter. A unique all round social scenario then in India, never ever seen before therein. This unique changing feature, one of its only kind longed for since many /multi centuries in India, is happening now in India, starting with all Hindus participating in the Shahi Snan of the ongoing MahaKumbh at holy Prayagraj Kumbh. Jaatiwad / Casteism Thus Passe No Second Thought About It. And That Being The Current Social Scenario In Bharat / India, Apt Time For "21st Century Maha-Bharat Ahead In All Fronts". Jaatiwad / Casteism Truly Passe, Incongruous, Anachronous. Instead, Develop India Overtaking The Established 1st World Per Se. The Sooner Accomplishing It, The Better, Most All Round Prosperous For "All" Denizens Of All Hues All Throughout The World's Second Largest Democracy, Bharat / India. It Now is most urgently --- rather, immediately --- craving for all round, all level omni upliftment in all sectors so that the country at soonest to all look not penurious, Â parsimonious, slovenly, poor, shabby...Instead, with all people of the country rising above malevolent caste considerations, the country with renewed vigour, vitality ascend to new all round heights of ascendance partaken of by all Bharatiya with their individual caste / sub-caste totally immaterial. Thus, jaatiwad / casteism sheer passe.Â