Inflation Afflicts Normalcy

Inflation Crisis

Inflation, As Never Before, Afflicts Run-Of-The-Mill Normalcy: Undoubtedly, Undeterredly, Unobtrusively, Unilaterally, the anti-humane / humanity monster called inflation truly is dwarfing the masses of all hues in the country, exhibiting no relief from it at all for them, their abysmal excruciating all round moment-by-moment sufferings cutting across all bindings, bondages, shackles et al, evincing its utter helplessness, worthlessness thereby turning the whole scenario not only utterly pathetic, intolerable, appalling, sheer pitiable. But there is no way out from it, come what may, be that what it is --- the same status quo remains, no, not even an inkling of sign of its lessening in any way as all signs of current inflation signify, suggest, show to all. Exasperation naturally is flagrant in all sectors known, unknown. Though it must be said to the definite credit of administrations in most places taking care of the masses' essential items without any charge but still, this is being surely, sadly pointed out that the masses' needed-discretion in selecting their choice goods is almost nil if not fully zero. All this because of uncontrolled --- being termed as "simply uncontrollable being unfathomable" --- inflation that's now being termed worldwide though it's iota of very veracity is yet to be established to convince the "helpless citizens who are fast becoming impatient, restless, obstinate, showing clear --- not, subtle or indicative --- signs of revolt, its nomenclature of course is yet not known or understood.

Modest social estimates definitely assess that if the social rebellion increases, it could well tantamount to any thing "serious" what ever does that actually mean in reality. Too many guesses beyond this are not being made considering it is better to be rational, equanimous than to be rebellion, temperamental, angry, raged as these, if all, only lead to acute divisions in the society which in turn lead to all kinds of (uncontrollable) restlessness, squabbles, fights, abuses, divisions, altercations, violence, fisticuff etc. when that happens, it is then truly uncontrollable, to put straight without hiding any fact. And when that happens, the very country Bharat's social fabric is ruthlessly demolished / destructed beyond any repair. What then? Chaos all round, instability, perturbing scenarios permeated with cries of all sounds + types, repentance, curse, swear etc...All these surely need to be averted should Bharat be absolutely normal with its all peoples absolutely normal. Its thus more than high time inflation be right away forcibly checked some how or the other instead of running after or concentrating on other issues. The immediate topmost first priority should be to instantly check draconian inflation of all types using what ever permissible methods that are needed be right away used with all determination, forcefulness, no laxity of any kind or no slackness of any kind in all that whatsoever. 

To consciously avert any rise --- or even, the very inception of it all --- in any upheaval in the country's society, inflation naturally be checked right away with all might, force. If needed, even, official machineries be used to check inflation as most of it is mandatory made perpetuated by vested interests against the good interests of Bharat. Those responsible for such malevolent anti-Bharat phenomenon be apprehended right away and dealt with as firmly as possible. No laxity in that should be therein, whatever be that's consequences. Fact is, then, like now, like always, the country Bharat is upper most. All other features / phenomena then are inconsequential, meaningless...Thus check inflation, keep the masses of the country comfortable, cool, composed...Then, no instability of any kind whatsoever. Ruling will become hassle-free, effortless then with all round constructive productivity all over will automatically enhance by manifold, to put clearly. Resultwise, the multiple "+" effects will be directly on the country's all round enhancement taking the country on most advantageous stage per se. No inflation then unlike now thus, normalcy then not at all afflicted setting a new trend of upward progresses. "Inflation Afflicts Normalcy" then will be incongruous, anachronous per se. 

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